Let's edit our templates!
Items in Inspector Nexus are applied on the category or sub-category level and can hold narrative remarks and photos.
To add items to a report template, from the Web dashboard, click on the "Templates" tab:

You will see a listing of your saved templates:

Click on the template you want to modify.
You will see the template's information:

Scroll down to the Categories section:

Use the "+" icon next to the category name to display the subcategories:

Click on the three dots next to the Subcategory you want to add a new Item to:

Click on "Add Item":

Enter the name of your new Item in the "Label" field:

You can check the "Shared" checkbox if you want to have this item available for all of the other Subcategories in this section.
Click here for more information.
Once you name your Item, click on "Save":

The new Item will now appear under the Subcategory:

We're all set!
You can now edit this Item by adding your own narratives.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to [email protected]