In this article, we will discuss the way the categories, subcategories, items, details, and narratives are ordered in the final published report.
All parts of the report will show up in the order they are found in the template, with the exception of item details. Item details are not currently sortable by users and are listed on the report alphabetically.
The following images were added colors, for better visualization.
Take a look at the way the following template is ordered:

Notice the order of the items under Cat 1 --> Sub 1 (Item 1, Item 4, Item 3, Item 2).
Notice the order of the narratives under Cat 1 --> Sub 1 --> Item 1 (Narrative 4, Narrative 3, Narrative 2, Narrative 1).
When used in a report, the categories, subcategories, items, and narratives will appear exactly in the same order they were sorted in the template:

Notice the order of the items: Item 1, Item 4, Item 3, Item 2
Notice the order of the narratives under Item 1:Narrative 4, Narrative 3, Narrative 2, Narrative 1
The same applies to the item headers when details are selected. Notice, however, that the actual details are ordered alphabetically(details will have been sorted alphabetically in the template itself):

If you want to see how the actual report looks like, without the colors that were added in the previous examples, click here.
If you need any help or have questions concerning this, please feel free to reach out to [email protected]